Providing safe passage and access for users of Gippsland’s magnificent ports and waterways.
Providing safe passage and access for users of Gippsland’s magnificent ports and waterways.
Explore Gippslands Ports
Gippsland’s local ports provide safe havens and services to a wide range of users. The local ports and waterways play a vital part in local communities and support industries of importance to Victoria’s economy.
Gippsland Ports is a Committee of Management with a Board appointed by the State of Victoria. It has responsibilities delegated from the Victorian Government for the management of five local ports and four waterways that incorporate approximately 1,430 sq km of some of the largest and most beautiful waterways in Australia.
Gippsland Ports’ designated waters stretch over 720 kms from Anderson Inlet to Mallacoota on the south-eastern coastline of Victoria at: Mallacoota Inlet, Snowy River (Marlo), Gippsland Lakes, Corner Inlet and Port Albert, Anderson Inlet (Inverloch) and four waterways:
Lake Tyers, Shallow Inlet, Tamboon Inlet and Sydenham Inlet. (By comparison, Sydney Harbour managed waterways total 55 square kilometres and Melbourne’s Port Phillip Bay totals 1,934 square kilometres in area.).

The website provides details on Gippsland Ports operational responsibilities and services that can be provided for commercial return. The website has been developed to assist boaters to safely enjoy their time on the water, to promote Gippsland Ports capabilities and to provide access to online resources.
Users should also be aware of our Facebook site, which provides any information, image and blogs as they arise.
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What we do
Gippsland Ports was established in 1996 to provide a regional service to the local community, visitors and other user groups. Gippsland Ports is the local port and waterway manager responsible for the five local ports and four waterways.
Waterway management responsibilities include navigation, port operations, regulation, security and compliance, boating safety, incident management, emergency response, maritime security, oil spill response and salvage and dredging and sand management. To achieve these responsibilities, Gippsland Ports employs highly trained staff located at Port Welshpool, Paynesville, Lakes Entrance and Bairnsdale and works closely with government departments, local authorities and organisations.
How we work
An operationally diverse organisation with responsibilities derived from a range of defined statutory functions and community service obligations, Gippsland Ports is the designated waterway manager of 1,431 sq km of some of the largest and most beautiful waterways in Australia, stretching from Anderson Inlet to Mallacoota over 720 kms of the south-eastern coastline of Victoria.
The areas managed consist of five designated Local Ports
- Mallacoota
- Snowy River (Marlo)
- Gippsland Lakes
- Corner Inlet and Port Albert
- Anderson Inlet (Inverloch)
and four waterways
- Lake Tyers
- Shallow Inlet
- Sydenham Inlet (excluding Bemm River)
- Tamboon Inlet